Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I Talk About The STROKE,

--- A Dictionary Definition of ''Frustrate'' is- To make worthless or nullify. To thwart. This is very important to me and I think to many others, and it seems to be one of those situations that governs the other things that we do. I see where it applies to my own situation and I will share it with you.
---''One Time, Pretty Normal.'' - EXPLAINS -
---Not too long ago, I was pretty much ''normal'', whatever that is. By ''normal'' I mean, I could walk around, see properly and had balance without the aid of a wheelchair or any other device. I did have high blood pressure that was untreated, and I did smoke. This was not a good combination as both, probably, contributed to my Stroke. I'm sure. In any case, I'll bet it didn't ward it off.
---In any event, I was doing alright. I could do much of what I wanted to do and I was not being particularly- ''thwarted.'' There was not a whole lot of frustration to deal with. For the most part, things went along fairly smooth.
---June 2, 2002, I had a ''Stroke.'' I was 51 years old at the time, a bit on the
young side to have this happen. A thumbnail view of what occurred is that I bled into the brain-stem area [where the brain and the spinal cord meet]. My mobility changed big time and I have had double-vision ever since.
---This is where the ''frustration'' comes in. It is in the fact that I can no longer do what I could do. I am being thwarted, so to speak. I will also bet, and I'm sure its a safe bet, to say that most of us feel we are in the same boat, at least at times. We can no longer do what we could do. We feel thwarted and frustrated. If we take this a step further, I'll bet many of us can put our ''hopes'' and ''dreams'' into this category, too. The things we wanted to do, but never did. This is also the
breeding ground for ''frustration.''
---Feeling frustrated is one of those big ones that we see most people have to contend with much of the time. Think how often it comes into play on a short drive. It is not just reserved for stroke patients or people with an illness. We can see the way it pervades our Society. We make plans to go one way and we go another. Every day-to-day thing we seem to do seems laced with the potential for frustration. We are doing what we want and are interrupted. It leaves us with loose ends that are just ''hanging'', needing to be resolved. Many of us have placed ourselves on ''hold'' and never have quite gotten around to ''fulfilling'' what is still there.
---To BE Jesuit Priest, At One Time.
---I was going to be a Jesuit priest at one time, which, to me, involved this kind of writing and giving retreats. It, in some sense, was a place where this type of thinking and communication was taking place. There is no point in beating myself up over this. Acknowledging the truth-of-the-matter is a very good place to start. I then realize that going another way has yielded a certain knowledge, also, and has had riches of its own. I have learned either way. To go one step further, maybe going the ''other way'' was my path to begin with. Its funny that we learn certain things in spite of ourselves. It sort of happens in ''another way.'' Be Well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How old were you when you were going to become a Jesuit priest?