Monday, June 27, 2011


---Taking a stand against behavior you don't support. One must realize that there is a difference between the behavior and the person. She seems to be expressing her feelings toward an attitude that she finds ''distasteful.'' I think that many, more people should express how they really feel. I think that we would then broaden our minds to experience life more fully.
---We find a feeling for the issue and a social feeling for the word ''fuck.''  Sometimes it is very difficult to figure what the individual finds more distasteful. But, as we see...fuck is becoming more acceptable and we seem to be shedding a skin of unreality that will have a cleansing effect on our society...eventually. Remember when Lucy was pregnant on TV in the 50's...but not allowed to say ''pregnant.'' Social change always seems a bit slow to me...but, that may just be to me. I think that this type of honesty keeps necessary doors open. I, also, think that many times a healthy ''fuck you'' would be more to the point...instead of making excuses for all those who may have conflicted with us, needlessly, in our pasts.
---People seem to be taking more of a stand on things...and have greater opinion and more of a conviction on how they feel on a vast array of matters. People aren't taking as much shit as they once were. Just look around. People are growing up, but with that maturity comes being responsible for ones actions. One should ease into it gently and judiciously and still find things for the common good over selfish self-interests. Take Care.

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